
What is TEC?

Riverbend TEC (Together Encountering Christ) is a three-day Catholic retreat experience focused on the Paschal Mystery: the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

The FOCUS of each of the three days builds upon the previous day:

DAY 1: Die Day  A day in which participants begin by looking at their goals and ideals, the example of the life of Jesus and His call for us to look at what we need to change in our lives to be a better person and have a better relationship with God.

DAY 2: Rise Day  A day focusing on God’s unconditional love for us, our response to God’s love, the signs of God’s presence in our lives, a day of rejoicing in the resurrection of Jesus.

DAY 3: Go Day  A day is which we are invited to share what we have experienced with those we meet in our daily life.

Each Riverbend TEC weekend begins with registration at 9:30 am on the first day and ends at 4:30 pm on the third day. Everyone who sends in a registration form will receive an acceptance letter giving more specific information about what you will need to bring for the weekend, when to arrive and the address.

The team leading the weekend includes a priest, adults, and teenagers who have participated on a previous TEC weekend. The team is formed several weeks before the TEC weekend. They meet together to get to know each other, to prepare and pray for the success of the weekend. The team makes a real effort to making everyone feel welcomed when they come and feel accepted where they are at. All are encouraged to be themselves.

The format of the weekend includes a good mixture of time for getting to know other people, music, learning more about Jesus, socializing and recreation, prayer experiences and Mass. Through the weekend there are some talks shared by the adults and young people followed by time for discussion.

When is TEC?

Riverbend TEC weekends start Saturday morning and end Monday afternoon.

Where is TEC?

Riverbend TEC weekends are held at four parishes: Church of St. Mary in Bird Island, Minnesota, Holy Trinity Cathedral in New Ulm, Minnesota, Holy Trinity Church in Winsted, Minnesota, and Holy Redeemer Catholic School in Marshall, Minnesota. Click on the name of the church where the TEC is being held to get directions.


More Information

Video – what is TEC? – from TEC Conference office

This video is from the National TEC Conference. While the video references “Teens” Encounter Christ, our TEC center is named to “Together” Encountering Christ to reflect our inclusion of youth and adults of all ages.

TEC originated as “Teens Encountering Christ” in 1965 as a retreat experience for high school students.  There are active TEC centers throughout the United States and foreign countries.

Riverbend TEC began in 1977 and is one of several TEC centers in Minnesota. It has the support of Bishop Chad Zielinski, bishop of New Ulm. Riverbend TEC changed its name to “Together Encountering Christ” to better reflect the presence of both teen and adult participants on the weekends.

Contact Riverbend TEC!

For more information please contact Riverbend TEC today!