“When does the retreat begin and end?”
Participants are asked to arrive after 9:00 on the first day (Saturday) and the retreat begins at 9:30 AM. It ends around 4:30 PM on the last day (Monday).
“Hungry For More?”
Following TEC some go out for food and time together.
“What if I need to arrive late or leave early?”
To fully experience the retreat, participants are asked to arrive on time and to remain onsite for the duration of the weekend. Please call the Riverbend TEC Communications Coordinator, Andrea Gibbs, at 612-483-1169 to discuss any questions regarding schedule variations.
“What do I need to bring?”
Mostly you need to bring yourself open and ready for a new experience. As far as “stuff”– a suggested list is provided here.
“Why won’t people tell me about the weekend?”

A TEC retreat is an experience. And like other experiences, seeing the Grand Canyon for example, it means different things to different people and it is often very hard to explain. Your friends and family may just want you to experience the retreat in your own way.
“I’m not Catholic, is it for me?”
While TEC is rooted in the Catholic faith, non-Catholics are welcome and do participate. In fact over the years about 10% of the participants have been non-Catholics.
“I’ve heard about a ‘reunion.’ What is that?”
A reunion is a gathering of people that have made TECs in the past. They get together occasionally to fellowship and share experiences.
“Who Is the Team?”
The team is made up entirely of volunteers (adults and youth) who have previously made a TEC retreat. They are people who have had an awesome experience at TEC and want to share it. The retreat directors have extensive TEC experience and are carefully selected, but are still volunteers of various backgrounds.